A102.474, chambered nautilus shell, Nautilus pompilius.

A102.474, chambered nautilus shell, Nautilus pompilius. 

Collection of Puke Ariki, Ng
āmotu, New Plymouth | Nō te kohikohinga o Puke Ariki, Ngāmotu.

Nautilus shells are divided into chambers that help the animal to float.  Nautilus species have up to ninety tiny tentacles for capturing prey.

Kua whakawehea ngā anga pūpū ki ngā kopanga e whā hei hāpai ake i tana mānutanga. Neke atu i te iwa tekau mā iwa ngā kawekawe o ngā momo pūpū hei mau  pārurenga.

14 April 2023 - 4 June 2023
Level 2 Lane Gallery, Puke Ariki Museum
Building Map
Suitable for all ages
Fully accessible

Marine molluscs: Deep ocean to rocky shore

Molluscs are a diverse group of soft-bodied invertebrate animals. They range from deep ocean-dwelling squids, to shellfish that live in the sand on surf beaches. 

Some of Aotearoa-New Zealand's best known molluscs are now on display at Puke Ariki. Compare your summer beach finds with the rainbow-coloured pāua, fan-shaped scallops and beautiful nautilus shells in our collections. These species are also known as gastropods, bivalves and cephalopods – all classes of molluscs.

Get to know the circular saw shell, and find out more about squids that wear their shells on the inside!

Ngā kaiwhao o taimoana: Mai moana uriuri ki tahatai

He kāhui whānui o ngā kararehe hātaretare ngā kaiwhao. He wheke nō ngā moana uriuri, tae rawa ki ngā mātaitai whai anga e noho ana i te onepū i tahatai.

Kei Puke Ariki hētehi o ngā kaiwhao rongonui o Aotearoa, e whakatairangatia ana. Ka whakatairitea ngā kitenga o tahatai i te wā raumati ki ngā pāua āniwaniwa, ngā tipa rahi, me ngā pūpū rerehua nō roto i tō mātou kohikohinga. E mōhiotia ana hēnei momo hei gastropod, hei bivalve me te cephalopod – he peka o te kāhui kaiwhao.

Tūtaki mai ki te anga porotaka tīemiemi, me te rangahau i ngā wheke e mau ana i ngā anga whakaroto!