Whare Kahurangi Virtual Tour - online lesson

Whare Kahurangi: 100 years of collecting, celebrated the centenary of the Taranaki Museum and the concept of collecting. The exhibition has been preserved as a virtual tour which allows visitors to ‘look around’ and interact with the displays.
To compliment the tour we've developed digital lessons for new entrants, junior and senior students to complete while exploring the virtual tour. Print off the activities and follow the instructions to begin.
New Zealand Curriculum links:
Social Sciences:This topic covers many aspects of Social Studies Levels 1-5.
Technology: Nature of Technology Levels 1-5.
The Arts: Understanding the Arts in Context and Communications and Interpreting Levels 1-5.
Getting Started
Open up the Whare Kahurangi virtual tour. You can use the tour on a computer, a tablet or a smartphone.
Moving around the tour
You can move around the tour using the panels on the bottom of the screen or by using the arrows. On a mobile device you can use gyro control to move using the device itself.
Click or tap on the icons or text panels to read the information and interact with the exhibition.
We want to make sure our activities work well for you, so we would appreciate your feedback. Once you have completed the activity please let us know what worked well or what you think could be improved by emailing us at edpukeariki@npdc.govt.nz. Thank you.
- Location
- Online
- Year level
- Primary
- Pre-school
- Intermediate
- Secondary