Additional Support for Students

Social Stories
We want to make Puke Ariki accessible to everyone. Our social stories or stories for understanding are designed to prepare students before they visit Puke Ariki Museum or Library. The stories describe what to expect (using photographs) during a lesson at Puke Ariki. The stories are provided as PDFs and as Word documents so they can be read online, downloaded or cut and pasted to create a story to suit individual needs.
Sensory Map
Museums and libraries can be overwhelming places for some students. Sensory maps identify high and low sensory areas, exit/entry points, stairs, lifts, the air bridge, the escalator and toilet locations.
Low sensory areas, coloured blue on the map, are quieter/cooler areas with less stimuli. High sensory areas, coloured red, are busier places with more multimedia interactives and are sensory intense.
Visitors to the Museum who are sensitive to noise can borrow a pair of ear muffs during a visit. Simply ask at the Museum visitor desk to sign a pair out and return them when you are finished.