Opening Hours for Sunday, 09 February 2025
Richmond Cottage Closed
Ngā Kaupapa o Te Wā
Ngā Whare Pukapuka
Skinny Jump
Book Groups
Book Group in a Bag
Housebound Readers' Service
Puke Ariki Library
Bell Block Library and Service Centre
Inglewood Library and Service Centre
Ōākura Library
Waitara Library and Service Centre
Urenui Library
Mobile Library
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Community Funding
eBooks and eAudiobooks
eMagazines and eNewspapers
Film and TV
Research Resources
Design Lab
Public computing and printing at the Library
Whare Pupuru Taonga
Puke Ariki Historic Walk
Ruru Scavenger Hunt
Māori Language Week at Puke Ariki
Rangahau / Tuku iho
Book a Visit
Search the Heritage Collection
Search our Stories and Articles
Passenger List Search
Image Use Conditions
Our Moon: Then, Now & Beyond
Toi Whakaari o Taranaki: Performing Arts
Toi Whakairo: The art of telling stories through carving
Tukutuku: The lattice panels
Hunters and Gatherers: Practitioners of their time
Back of House Tour with our Curators
Tailored learning and research for senior high school 2025
Libraries and Museum-based learning programmes
Tangata Moana, Tangata Whenua - People of the ocean, people of the land
Fight or Flight: The race to save our endangered species
Sea Change
Taranaki Wars Fieldtrip
Supporting your school’s marae visit
Children's Library Lesson
Whare Kahurangi Virtual Tour - online lesson
Be a Backyard Hero - online lesson
An immersive exhibition exploring humanity's relationship with the Moon, featuring a 4-meter orb with NASA lunar imagery.
We invite your group to explore the rich world of Māori performing arts through our six immersive exhibitions.
Connect with Taranaki’s heritage through whakairo, guided by Manu Bennett at Te Takapou Whāriki, the Māori gallery.
Join us for an engaging library-based programme where students will explore the art of tukutuku and Taranaki’s heritage.
Explore the deep understanding of te taiao, the natural world, in Te Ao Māori, highlighting how pre-European Māori developed tools for hunting and gathering.
Explore some of our significant taonga Māori collection in an exclusive Back of House tour with our Māori curators.
Get in touch now to discuss how Puke Ariki educators can support your NCEA and senior high school students’ learning.
Join our educators and children's librarians for an engaging learning adventure in "Discover It!"
Venture into Te Takapou Whāriki, the Māori gallery, to uncover the fascinating stories of East Polynesian migration to Taranaki over 800 years ago.
Develop an appreciation for Aotearoa’s biodiversity and importance of conservation in this interactive lesson comparing the life stories of two endemic bird species.
In this lesson utilising the Reef Alive exhibition students will learn about the impact humans are having on our oceans and exciting research raising awareness of its importance.
Guided by Educator Hoani Eriwata (Te Atiawa) will explore the people, tensions, battle sites and tactics used in the first war between Pākehā and Māori.
Are you are running activities on rotation as part of a school marae visit? A Puke Ariki educator can support this kaupapa with our wharenui lesson.
Find out everything the library has to offer in a specially designed lesson introducing students to the library and its resources.
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