Toi Whakaari o Taranaki: Performing Arts

This tour offers an exciting exploration of a special range of exhibitions inspired by Aotearoa’s premier Kapa Haka Festival. We celebrate Māori performing arts and what it means in Taranaki and extend an invitation for your group to perform their kapa haka favourites in the museum foyer at the conclusion of their museum visit. Here's what to expect:
- Introduction to Te Matatini: Learn about the history of Te Matatini, founded in 1972 to promote and preserve Kapa Haka, and its role in revitalising Māori language and culture.
- Legendary Icon: Learn about the life and legacy of South Taranaki legend Dalvanius Prime and his hit songs including Poi E.
- Costumes and Taonga: See traditional garments like piupiu (flax skirts) and pari (bodices), showcasing the cultural significance behind each piece.
- Performance Elements: Explore different aspects of Kapa Haka such as haka, poi, and waiata (songs), which tell powerful stories through dance and song.
- Cultural Impact: Understand Kapa Haka’s importance in expressing Māori identity, connecting to land, ancestors, and language.
- Interactive Features: Engage with displays, listen to performances, and watch some videos celebrating kapa haka over the years.
- Your turn to shine! We’d love to experience your school’s waiata and haka performed in the museum foyer.
The tour concludes with a reflection on how Te Matatini continues to shape Māori culture and inspire new generations.
- Location
- Puke Ariki Museum
- Schedule
- Term 1-2
- Year level
- Primary
- Intermediate
- Secondary
- Duration
- Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes
- Cost
- Free for Taranaki schools