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The mobile library does a rural route and an urban route around the New Plymouth district, on a two-week roster.

It visits schools as far north as Tongaporutu and as far south as Ratapiko.

Check our timetables below to locate your nearest stop.



Visiting the Mobile Library

The mobile library holds items for adults and children:

  • fiction and non-fiction
  • large print books
  • audiobooks
  • magazines.


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Can the Mobile Library bring me items from other Puke Ariki libraries?

Yes, any item held at Puke Ariki's libraries can be brought to the Mobile Library. There is no charge for this service. 

If you would like to request an item to be brought to the Mobile Library:

  • find it in the catalogue
  • click on Place Hold and log in with your library card
  • select New Plymouth Mobile Library from the dropdown box.

Can I visit the Mobile Library if I don't have a membership card?

Yes, just bring a form of photo ID with you. Our normal membership rules apply.

Booking the Mobile Library

The Mobile Library can be booked for school, kindergarten and Kohanga Reo visits.

To make an enquiry please contact us.