Is there a book, audiobook, CD, DVD or article you'd like to borrow that we don't hold? We can try and borrow it for you from another library.

To request an interloan please fill in the form below.

There is a charge for the interloan service, it ranges from $5 to $22 per item. The charge covers the courier to return the item and any other costs passed on to us by the lending library. We ask you to indicate how much you are prepared to pay for the service in the form below. You will need to pay the charge when you pick up your item.

We process interloan requests within a week of receiving the request. The time it takes to receive an item varies widely, it can be anywhere from the next day to a month. We often do not know how long it will take when we process the order. We will let you know once the item is at the library.

The issue period varies between libraries. 

Request an Interloan

Please enter if preferred contact method is by text

What is the name of the journal or magazine the article appears in?

What is the volume or issue number of the publication the article appears in?

Please tell us the page numbers you are interested in

Is there any other information that we should know? For example do you need a large print copy or do you need the item by a certain date?

If the item costs more than the amount selected we will contact you to let you know the exact cost.